A University Of Maryland Scientific Study Proved That Microgreens Contain Up To 40X More Nutrients Than The Adult Plant And Can Increase Your Health And Wellbeing.


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, C, K, B6. Iron, Folate, All Amino Acids

Sunflower is a special microgreen. They have a pleasant, nutty flavor with a crispy and satisfying texture. It is a great source of vitamin A (great for vision, hair, and skin, as well as antioxidant properties) and a great source of iron (growth and blood development).  Sunflower is a vegetarian superfood, it has between 80-100% of your daily value of Iron and is one of the very few complete proteins in the plant world.  These are two nutritional factors that are mainly found in red meat, but you can get them right here in sunflower microgreens! 


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, C. Potassium, Carotenoids.

Our melon microgreens have a soft texture, and sweet melon taste to them. Perfect for your fruity, lighter dishes like summer salads, smoothies, or even to top a dessert (of course you can eat them alone and you’ll love them just the same)! They have more vitamin A than oranges, while also being high in Vitamin C, potassium, and carotenoids.  These are important for immune function, vision, digestion, and hydration! The perfect “fruity” green in taste and nutrition. 


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, B, C, E, K. Calcium. Iron, Magnesium, Carotenoids

Kale microgreens have a mild taste and crisp texture. They are one of the most nutrient dense little greens out there. Hard to believe so much is packed into these little superfoods, but they are bursting with nutrition and antioxidants.  They are high in the ACE-K vitamins like many other microgreens, as well as Vitamin B and important minerals like calcium, iron, and magnesium.  This green is going to be great especially with carbs like rice or pasta because the vitamin B helps your body digest it.  It is great for brain fog and sleep as well with the B and magnesium.


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, C, K. Calcium, Iron

Our arugula microgreens have a peppery taste to them. Arugula is so impressive because of how much is packed in while it’s at this early stage. It has 8x the calcium, 5x the vitamin ACK, and 4x the iron as a normal iceberg lettuce. It is gonna be a great source of Vitamin A and calcium aiding in bone health, vision, and immunity. Perfect to use as a base for salads to get that extra nutritious and delicious love.


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, C, K. Folate, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Carotenoids, Sulforaphane Broccoli greens are gonna be your nutritious cancer fighters.

They have the classic ACE-K vitamins, as well as minerals that are going to be important for blood, bone, tissue, brain and nerve health, but a very exciting thing is how high in sulforaphane they are. This is a phytochemical that new studies are showing may protect your body against cancer. It neutralizes free radicals (toxins in the body) as an antioxidant, reduces inflammation, it may block mutations in the DNA leading to cancer, and it can reduce the ability of cancer cells to multiply (slowing tumor growth). The best way to get sulforaphane is in plant form and Broccoli greens are packed with it!


Nutrients: Vitamins: A, C, E, K. Copper, Phosphorus, Folate, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Niacin, Magnesium, Calcium, Omega-3 Fatty AcidsCarotenoids, Sulforaphane

Mustard greens have a sharp, spicy taste to them, almost like wasabi. They are great at strengthening immunity, being high in ACE-K vitamins, and their antioxidant properties are second only to kale! They are high in fiber and can help aid digestion, as well as the high mineral content being great for blood, bone, brain, and nerve health! The little spice can clear out the sinuses too so be wary on the first bite.